Column-oriented style samples
This is a demo of various ways we can build out columns from the WordPress side, mostly focused on their block builder.
- I’m putting a Body Content block around all of these for now, just without the left/right setup. We can discuss whether we support or can make use of any columns stuff without that.
- Starting with H3 + P elements for now
We can use this to check in on any other Blocks or elements to keep or ditch too, just as we finalize styles. See below (this is an <ol>…)
- “Separator”
- “Spacer” @ 30px height
- Block quote
“Keep it simple, please”
– Josh
3-column base
Here with heading, including color block behind, sidebar: none.
Note this is without the row function – so there’s no way for these to function as 5 “blocks”
Building Community
Each IJC Fellow forms a crucial link in an expansive web of advocates across the country. When you join IJC, you instantly become connected to your cohort, our staff, alumni, and host organizations.
Expanding Capacity
IJC focuses on efficiently increasing representation by placing Fellows with host organizations that are leading non-profit legal services providers and community-based organizations.
Right to Counsel
The very existence of IJC has raised awareness of both the crisis of representation and the dramatic difference representation makes in immigration cases.
Creating Access to Justice
IJC expands access to justice for underrepresented communities while advocating quality representation for these populations.
Training & Skills Development
IJC offers high quality, on-going training and skills development. Fellows foster lifelong professional connections during the program.
3-column split rows
Note this is with a row / spacer split; to discuss in terms of structure below main breakpoints.
Building Community
Each IJC Fellow forms a crucial link in an expansive web of advocates across the country. When you join IJC, you instantly become connected to your cohort, our staff, alumni, and host organizations.
Right to Counsel
The very existence of IJC has raised awareness of both the crisis of representation and the dramatic difference representation makes in immigration cases.
Training & Skills Development
IJC offers high quality, on-going training and skills development. Fellows foster lifelong professional connections during the program.
Doubled-up! IJC offers high quality, on-going training and skills development. Fellows foster lifelong professional connections during the program.
Expanding Capacity
IJC focuses on efficiently increasing representation by placing Fellows with host organizations that are leading non-profit legal services providers and community-based organizations.
Creating Access to Justice
IJC expands access to justice for underrepresented communities while advocating quality representation for these populations.
2-column split rows
This is the same as the previous, here just starting with WP as 2 columns
Building Community
Each IJC Fellow forms a crucial link in an expansive web of advocates across the country. When you join IJC, you instantly become connected to your cohort, our staff, alumni, and host organizations.
Right to Counsel
The very existence of IJC has raised awareness of both the crisis of representation and the dramatic difference representation makes in immigration cases.
Training & Skills Development
IJC offers high quality, on-going training and skills development. Fellows foster lifelong professional connections during the program.
Doubled-up! IJC offers high quality, on-going training and skills development. Fellows foster lifelong professional connections during the program.
Creating Access to Justice
IJC expands access to justice for underrepresented communities while advocating quality representation for these populations.
Expanding Capacity
IJC focuses on efficiently increasing representation by placing Fellows with host organizations that are leading non-profit legal services providers and community-based organizations.
Get Involved columns
Here’s what happens when borrow that Get Involved block. (Note we have a block on Fellowship Pages where we want to use bigger links / alt styling.)
Building Community
Each IJC Fellow forms a crucial link in an expansive web of advocates across the country. When you join IJC, you instantly become connected to your cohort, our staff, alumni, and host organizations.
Right to Counsel
The very existence of IJC has raised awareness of both the crisis of representation and the dramatic difference representation makes in immigration cases.
Training & Skills Development
IJC offers high quality, on-going training and skills development. Fellows foster lifelong professional connections during the program.
Consolidated / 3 links
Here using the Community Fellowship version as currently laid out.
Application timeline and common questions about the Community Fellowships.
Learn about the experience and work of this year’s Fellows.
Learn about our partners and potential placements.
What sets IJC apart?
Building Community
Each IJC Fellow forms a crucial link in an expansive web of advocates across the country. When you join IJC, you instantly become connected to your cohort, our staff, alumni, and host organizations.
Right to Counsel
The very existence of IJC has raised awareness of both the crisis of representation and the dramatic difference representation makes in immigration cases.
Training & Skills Development
IJC offers high quality, on-going training and skills development. Fellows foster lifelong professional connections during the program.
Expanding Capacity
IJC focuses on efficiently increasing representation by placing Fellows with host organizations that are leading non-profit legal services providers and community-based organizations.
Creating Access to Justice
IJC expands access to justice for underrepresented communities while advocating quality representation for these populations.